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Knowledgatism: DNA Electrophoresis

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Monday, January 3, 2011

DNA Electrophoresis

How an individual identity is identified through electrophoresis?

Firstly, DNA molecules are made up of sequence of nucleotides. Hence, a sample of DNA contains DNA fragments with different sizes. In other words, each individual has DNA fragments with different sizes. A combination of DNA fragments make up an individual genetic profile, and there are no two people in the world have identical genetic profiles.

DNA electrophoresis separate DNA fragments according to their sizes. The longer the fragment, the slower it moves in the process of electrophoresis. Since the phosphate group in the structure of DNA is slightly negative, DNA will be attracted towards the anode in electrophoresis.


  1. Dear colleague,
    my name is Lukas,
    i m editor of scientific journal, and i would like to use your photo of electrophoresis which is placed on this site to title of our journal.
    My question is: I can?
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    Many thanks for your answer.
    Best regards

  2. Hi Louis,

    I'm writing for a scientific journal and would like to get hold of your a DNA gel photo above for my materials. Please let me know if I have your permission to do so. I can be reached at Thanks!
