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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Evaluation of Real Estate Properties

Investors should know is the property can be converted into cash easily. On the other words, can the property be sold easily? Investors can observe the shops around the area to determine the demand around the area. If the shops can be rented out easily, the demand at the area is still high.

Potential Appreciation
The golden rule is the location. Investors should be able to evaluate the potential of the area in the future. For example, consider :
Are more people moving to the area?
Are there new development around?
Is there a shortage of land to build new homes?

1% rule
If the monthly rental is 0.7 to 1.0% of the purchase price, the property is worth buying.

One of the purpose of renting your property is to use the rent to pay the monthly mortgage payment.
Investors should clear the mortgage payment of the first property before buying the second.
It should be easier to purchase a second property as investors have the rent of the first property and the second property to cover the second property's monthly mortgage payment.

Investors should be alert about natural disasters at the area. If flood always occur at the area, you would not like to have a property there.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

sherlock holmes

the character of sherlock holmes was originally created by scottish author, arthur codan dolye, who featured him in 4 novels and more than 50 short stories. after his death, his son adrian wrote several stories featuring the famous vitorian detectives, but critics say he was never than popular.

But it's the first time that the authur codan dolye estate has official asked an author to write a new novel. he has been named as anthony horowitz and he is best known his alex rider children's series. So is he daunted by the challenge?

anthony horowitz:

"well obviously, i was daunting to a certain extent and you are dealing probably most iconic detective in the whole history of literature.and one point i didn't want to do is to disappoint those really devout fans, the sort of sherlock holmes and people who love this books.

but to be honestly with you i actually found it fairly easy to write because i have loved this book since i was 13 years old, I've read them 2 or 3 times during the course of my lifetime-in fact , my whole life as a writer of crime fiction myself was, to a certain extent, inspired by doyle and i find the book not so scary as i thought it might  be.

anthory horowitz said he was a devouted fan and aims to produce a first rate mystery for a modern audience.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Much of Singapore growth has been fueled by tourism and investment from overseas. Is has positioned itself as a high-end manufacturer. It makes complex nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology products like flu vaccines.

Export of electronic alone were up 49% in june. And visitors from wealthy countries like china and indonesia have flocked to the new casinos, which opened in April.

But singapore's main trading partner remains the European Union. And despite austerity measure imposed by european union, Exports of the bloc surged 75% ion june. That prompted singapore's government to increase its annual growth forecast to a record high of between 13 to 15% for the year.

Hazy Day for Hong Kong

Hong Kong air pollution problem is getting more serious. It is no longer a desirable place to leave. There are more teenagers and university graduates intend to move to rural area. They want to stay away from the city which is full of haze. The report" less talk, more action" shows the growing frustration of the citizens.

2 Distinct Species Elephnat

The notion that there are 2 species of African elephant first emerged a decade ago. The 2 elephants are very different in size. The Savanah or bush elephants stand about a meter taller and weigh twice as much as the weight of the forest-dwelling cousins. But whether this means there are truly different species that hasn't been clear. A team of scientists say that they have resolved the issure.

Writting of science biology, they say their analysis proves the existence of 2 distinct species. This has been a hotly disputed question, and the entirely possible that other researchers will challenge the claim.

If it is confirmed ,it is important implication for conservation. Forest elephants are mostly found at the central and Western Africa, the area where poaching and ivory smuggling are most serious. There, the population has decreased. Further south, in the domain of Savanah elepahnt , the animals are thriving. Conservationists says proving the species split could help concentration attention where it's most needed, on nations that have done little to crack down on poachers and smugglers.

Monday, January 3, 2011

DNA Electrophoresis

How an individual identity is identified through electrophoresis?

Firstly, DNA molecules are made up of sequence of nucleotides. Hence, a sample of DNA contains DNA fragments with different sizes. In other words, each individual has DNA fragments with different sizes. A combination of DNA fragments make up an individual genetic profile, and there are no two people in the world have identical genetic profiles.

DNA electrophoresis separate DNA fragments according to their sizes. The longer the fragment, the slower it moves in the process of electrophoresis. Since the phosphate group in the structure of DNA is slightly negative, DNA will be attracted towards the anode in electrophoresis.

Chaperone Proteins

Chaperone proteins ensure new proteins are fold correctly. Misshapen proteins lead to severe diseases. For examples, cystic fibrosis and Alzheimer disease are probably caused by malfunctioning chaperone proteins.

Prions are misfolded proteins that cause other proteins of the same type to fold the wrong way too. One of the fatal brain diseases, Mad Cow disease, is probably due to this midfolded proteins. Mad Cow disease is a type of TSEs which stands for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. TSEs have no cure because no infective agent can be found.