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Knowledgatism: 2 Distinct Species Elephnat

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

2 Distinct Species Elephnat

The notion that there are 2 species of African elephant first emerged a decade ago. The 2 elephants are very different in size. The Savanah or bush elephants stand about a meter taller and weigh twice as much as the weight of the forest-dwelling cousins. But whether this means there are truly different species that hasn't been clear. A team of scientists say that they have resolved the issure.

Writting of science biology, they say their analysis proves the existence of 2 distinct species. This has been a hotly disputed question, and the entirely possible that other researchers will challenge the claim.

If it is confirmed ,it is important implication for conservation. Forest elephants are mostly found at the central and Western Africa, the area where poaching and ivory smuggling are most serious. There, the population has decreased. Further south, in the domain of Savanah elepahnt , the animals are thriving. Conservationists says proving the species split could help concentration attention where it's most needed, on nations that have done little to crack down on poachers and smugglers.

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